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Brenda Hart sent these photos of her beautiful projects and wrote:

I was so naive when I first ordered "Bouquets of K-Lace" designs. I did not realize then that were individual designs, but now I use them more than any others!

The first two of the framed picture are actually for my own home. As you can see, the background fabric is the same as the lining for my drapes and my furnitue is burgundy. It measures 21 x 21 inches and I did not have it framed with glass. Using invisible thread, I only stitched the bottom of the flowers and leaves. I wanted the 3-D look. I cheated with the circled frame of flowers. Nothing like Aleene's fabric glue!

Both of the pillows were for the widows ministry at our church. One of my jobs has always been to make something for a drawing at the end of the banquet. A bouquet of lace flowers was perfect for the May theme. September marked 10 years since the program first started and the theme was "A Decade of Memories". I am always being drawn back to your web site and that's when I saw Joan's doilies. I've always bought the doilies for this pillow, but I thought this would be fitting since some of the ladies may have been crocheting for decades. I stitched the flowers completely down on both pillows. I monogrammed the theme on felt and pinned it to the pillow. That accounts for the safety pin lying in front of it. Sometimes, much to my dismay, I give everything away so I am unable to take a better picture.

I have the Christmas ornament designs and several others. They have all been great.

Thanks so much to Brenda for sharing these with us!

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