Choose your holiday look from heirloom to glitter by varying your thread
and fabric using our Holiday K-Lace® designs. Our ornament cover may be stitched in
cotton for an heirloom look or metallic for shine. Christmas cutwork will give elegance to
your table linens, while your tree will dazzle with hanging ornaments stitched using
sparkle organza and your choice of thread. These "stained glass" ornaments may
be muted or bright, setting the tone for your Christmas decor. Angel wings double as lace
embellishments in other places and our wide lacy border, constructed of smaller parts,
will be a future heirloom. This package will give a fresh, new look to your holiday
decorations and we believe you'll find uses for these designs in other seasons. Click
on the ornament above to view all the designs contained in Holiday K-Lace®.